Problem Gambling–Virtual Training

Event: Problem Gambling–Virtual Training
Date: 5/19/21
Time: 8:30 – 10:30 am
Where: Zoom Webinar
Cost: Free
Problem Gambling–VIRTUAL
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 | 8:30 am – 10:30 am
About the Course
In October 2017 a major gambling expansion bill was passed in Pennsylvania, and today, more people have access to, and are participating in gambling activities than ever before. While the majority of the population is able to gamble without developing any issues, there are a small percentage of people who are unable to maintain responsible levels of play. Unfortunately for these individuals, this is often progresses to a point where several areas of their lives are impacted in a negative way.
It is vital for treatment, prevention and case management professionals to not only be aware of this expansion in order to better serve clients, but also to have a better understanding of the resources that are available for those who are experiencing issues.
During this program, participants will learn more about the problems that some may face, how the problems develop and way to potentially identify signs of a problem.
Course Objectives
1. Participants will become familiar with gambling and factors included in the development of problematic gambling
2. Participants will be able to identify prevalence rates and risk factors of a gambling disorder
3. Participants will be able to discuss warning signs and how to address the issue
4. Participants will become familiar with at least three new forms of legislated gambling in Pennsylvania and the potential impact of expanded gambling on existing clients, and how it may also lead to problems with a new population of clients
5. Participants will be able to identify the protections that have been included in newly legislated gambling, and how this may differ from previously legislated gambling
6. Participants will gain awareness of available local resource
Target Audience
Target audience includes social workers, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, recovery coaches, peer specialists, nurses, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, and substance abuse counselors for this intermediate level of instruction.
2.0 Continuing Education Credits for Licensed Social workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Marriage and Family therapists
2.0 Continuing Education Credits for Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)
2.0 PCB Approved Educational Credit
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
All attendees must arrive promptly at the beginning of the training and remain the duration of the training to receive continuing education credits. Please have license number available when signing in.
Persons with disabilities and special needs are encouraged to contact the registrar for further information.
About the Presenter
Josh Ercole is the Executive Director—Council on Complusive Gambling of PA, Inc. A team member of CCGP since 2013, Josh has conducted hundreds of trainings throughout Pennsylvania in an effort to raise awareness of problem gambling. To date, Josh has trained thousands of casino team members, clinicians, students and other professionals about warning signs of gambling problems and available resources for help.
Josh has presented to and developed close working relationships with a network of providers and professionals locally, nationally and internationally, many of whom are currently working with clients and family members of clients who are experiencing issues related to problem gambling and other addictions.
At the Council, Josh manages all daily operations of the organization, and oversees strategic planning and program development. Josh also serves as a member of the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), acting as the Pennsylvania Affiliate since 2015, and Mid-Atlantic Regional Repreentative since 2016.
• American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Mannual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.).
• Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2014). National Survey on Drug Use and Health; Investigation into texspeech software. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
• Grace M. Barnes, John W. Welte, Marie-Cecile O. Tidwell & Joseph H. Hoffman (2015). Gambling and substance use; co-occurrence among adults in a recent general population study in the United States, 15:1, 55-71, DOI: 10.1080/14459795.2014.990396
For more information, contact Karen M. Kern at 215.453.5171 or
If you do not receive the professional benefits described in our program materials or you have some other professional complaint, please let us know in writing within 7 days of the training and we will honor your request for a refund.