Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children
Event: Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children
Date: 10/17/18
Time: 8:30 – 10:30 am
Where: Penn Foundation – Loux Center (Univest Community Room)
Cost: Free
About the Course
Using the 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children™ as a framework, Stewards of Children® is a two-hour training that teaches adults practical actions to prevent child sexual abuse or intervene if abuse is suspected. Featuring compelling and engaging content to motivate participants, the program is designed for parents, concerned individuals, and any adult that works with youth. Children® features survivors who lived through child sexual abuse, experienced its immediate and long-term effects, and ultimately were able to find healing. It also highlights experts who work with children and families and confront abuse on a daily basis. Research suggests that child sexual abuse reports, substantiations, and interventions in cases of abuse increase as a result of training, implying that more children are being identified as victims and able to receive services.