Mental Health Monday

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Event: Mental Health Monday

Date: 5/13/24

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Where: Indian Valley Public Library (100 E. Church Avenue, Telford)

Cost: Free


In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, St. Luke’s Penn Foundation is hosting “Mental Health Mondays,” a free opportunity for the

community to hear from a trained mental health professional about why mental health is important, tips and tools for mental wellness, ways you can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, and available resources.

Lisa Dembrosky, CPRP, Wellspring Clubhouse Operations Coordinator, St. Luke’s Penn Foundation will present.

If you cannot attend this presentation, don’t worry! We will be giving this same presentation on May 20 at Free Fall Action Sports Skate Park in Quakertown. Check out the Events listing on our website for more information.