Michael J. Peters Lecture Series | May 2021
The Dr. Michael Peters Lecture Series is a community-based educational program that brings national experts in behavioral health to Penn Foundation to discuss relevant topics in mental health affecting our community. Historically, this invitation-only event has drawn approximately 100-125 guests from the medical and social services fields. In 2020, for the first time, we offered this event virtually and community-wide. We plan to do the same in 2021.
Speaker’s Bureau
Penn Foundation offers a Speaker’s Bureau of clinical professionals specializing in mental health and addiction treatment. This valuable community resource is offered to companies and organizations for trainings, talks, panels, seminars, and other events, reaching a wide array of audiences.
Faith-Based Educational Programming
Penn Foundation offers two unique opportunities to provide mental health and addiction treatment education and resources through a faith-based lens. We are able to honor Penn Foundation’s Anabaptist history through supporting our religious and faith communities in this way.
- Clergy Event*- Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Led by Penn Foundation Chaplain Sue Conrad Howes, M.Div., MA, this annual event gathers individuals from local faith-based and religious organizations for a morning workshop focused on understanding the role that spirituality plays in mental health and addiction recovery. This year’s event will be virtual. Draws approximately 30-35 guests; approximately 500 invitations are sent out.
- Dayspring Event* – Fall 2021
Led by Penn Foundation’s Dayspring Counseling Director, MaryLynne Black, Psy.D., this annual fall educational event features a keynote speaker that addresses a current, mental-health related “hot topic” impacting parents, youth, and the faith-based community. The event is free and open to the public. It is promoted through our local faith communities as well as traditional and social media outreach. Typically 40-60 attend. While the format of this year’s event is still being determined, we will offer it both virtually and in-person, if it is safe to do so.
*Funds raised through these events will support Penn Foundation’s Pastoral Program and Christian outreach.
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