Behavioral Health Walk-in Center

The St. Luke’s Psychiatric Associates’ Behavioral Health Walk-in Center, located at the Lehighton campus, offers support to individuals 14 and older for mental health and addiction situations that are not life-threatening. In a safe and welcoming environment, our caring staff can teach individuals the necessary skills to manage their illness, support them in defining their own goals for recovery, and help them feel empowered to make informed decisions about their treatment. The Center is open 24/7 on weekdays and 16 hours each weekend day.

Circumstances that could prompt an individual to seek support at the Behavioral Health Walk-in Center include:

AnxietyAnger IssuesIrrational Thoughts
Panic AttacksStress ReactionSuicide Ideation
DepressionSomatic PainObsessive/Compulsive Thoughts
Self-HarmSevere Mood SwingsHallucinations
School PhobiaConfused ThinkingPsychosis

To learn more, call us at 610.577.0555.